Программа обучения Construction and Real Estate Management

Программа обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management" в Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Construction and Real Estate Management

Provided by two renowned universities of applied sciences, HTW Berlin and Helsinki Metropolia, the Master’s programme in Construction and Real Estate Management (ConREM) not only covers the central issues based on cutting-edge research, but also guarantees a consequently international approach. Teaching is provided on-site in Germany and Finland. As a demanding course, ConREM prepares its students to manage large international projects, heading up interdisciplinary teams with the required responsibility and professionalism.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 4 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 120 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 306.89 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень английского: С1

Описание программы обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management"

Combination of two disciplines

Formerly entirely separate disciplines, architecture and civil engineering are now viewed as unitary processes involving the planning, financing, construction, operation and conservation of buildings and other edifices. Experts in only one of these fields soon become lost amidst the multiplicity of duties involved in such projects. To meet this new requirement, two renowned universities of applied sciences, HTW Berlin and Helsinki Metropolia, have produced this Master’s programme to bridge the gap between the disciplines of architecture, design and building.

Preparation for complex international projects

The Master’s degree "Construction and Real Estate Management" (ConREM) is distinguished by the high standards of teaching and expertise provided by the lecturers from both institutions and our range of outside experts. Taking an international approach, its focus introduces its students to a world far beyond the borders of Germany and Finland. Indeed, its main target area is Eastern Europe, in which Helsinki METROPOLIA maintains close connections with a range of institutions, especially in the Baltic states. This focus makes ConREM a modern and future-oriented postgraduate course for professionals from both the field of architecture and construction engineering.

ConREM: expertise, up to date and practical

Building on the student’s knowledge acquired in their first degree, the Master’s degree ConREM imparts state-of-the-art knowledge taught in hands-on fashion focussing on managing international projects for building construction and real estate. With modules covering real estate technology, renovation, construction or investment planning, the programme also focuses on a range of intercultural and communication skills. ConREM represents a truly well-rounded programme for students fascinated by a constantly changing and therefore highly appealing field of activity.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management"

Graduation from the ConREM degree course equips you with the requisite skills and understanding enabling you to assume
  • operative and strategic management positions in the Engineering Services Sector (e.g. a consulting engineer),
  • the areas of Project Engineering and Project Management,
  • Facility Management or
  • Real Estate Engineering and Management.
You acquire and develop knowledge, skills and a methodological understanding of
  • A structured approach to challenges and the practical application of scientific methods
  • An understanding of economic principles and management methods
  • Academic expertise
  • Human Resources Management
  • Leadership skills in a business environment

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management"

With an excellent general knowledge of the Real Estate life-cycle and experience from hands-on study projects, you are equipped to assume responsibility in a broad spectrum of working areas without the need for any additional in-house training. You are prepared for a wide variety of positions, ranging from Portfolio and Asset Management in multinational firms to the management of international construction projects. You can also go on to work as a freelance consultant or project manager.

Международный обмен по программе обучения "Construction and Real Estate Management"

Locations: Semester 1/2: Helsinki Metropolia, Agricolankatu unit; Semester 3/4: HTW Berlin, Wilhelminenhof Campus


Fachbereich 2 – Ingenieurwissenschaften – Technik und Leben
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin

Der Fachbereich2: Ingenieurwissenschaften - Technik und Leben bietet als größter ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Fachbereich der HTW Berlin zukunftsfähige Studienangebote in den Ingenieurwissenschaften und der Informatik mit hohem Anwendungsbezug an.

Wir legen dabei viel Wert auf die Qualität der Lehre und die Vernetzung in unserem Fachbereich. Dabei folgen wir den Ideen des forschenden Lehrens und lehrenden Forschens. Allen Mitgliedern des Fachbereichs werden Freiräume für selbstbestimmtes und kollegiales Arbeiten geboten. Der hohe Anwendungsbezug in Verbindung mit unseren nationalen und internationalen sowohl universitären als auch Praxispartnern geben uns wertvolle Impulse für Lehre und Forschung. Dadurch können wir praxisnahe Kompetenzen und Wissen auf modernstem Stand der Wissenschaft vermitteln. Damit leisten wir einen Beitrag für Innovationen, Wachstum und Nachhaltigkeit in der Hauptstadtregion Berlin.

Методика оценки заявок

Admission to the ConREM programme is based on the following criteria:

  • Grade point average of the first higher education degree (60%)
  • Professional experience (30%)
  • Exposition (10%)

Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

Construction and Real Estate Management