Программа обучения Environmental Engineering

Программа обучения "Environmental Engineering" в Technische Universität Hamburg

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering is devoted to the study of the quality of the environment and to the technology of its conservation. It involves the basic education and training from civil engineering programs and chemical engineering, microbiology, hydrology and chemistry in order to broaden their perspective on potential solutions to environmental problems. The program is designed with some flexibility in order to suit the specific needs of the candidates with respect to their different academic backgrounds.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Environmental Engineering"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 4 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 120 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 332.10 / семестр
  • Минимальный уровень английского: C1

Описание программы обучения "Environmental Engineering"

Environmental engineering has never been more relevant than it is today. In the past 20 years, the field has moved from purely focusing on the technical and logistical side of waste disposal to encompass material recovery and circular economy. Innovative materials, integrated material and process flow analysis, as well as the involvement of energy sector issues, have brought environmental technology - once a niche sector perceived to be partly driven by ideology - into mainstream areas of the international economy. Germany is a global market leader in many areas of environmental engineering expertise. This status requires ongoing success at different levels: innovative and integrated technology, favourable legal and economic standards and, not least, high-quality German university education in environmental sciences.

With this in mind, the International Master Program in Environmental Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) focuses on current developments in environmental technology, while also providing a solid grounding in the subject’s scientific and economic foundations. Students can specialise in one of three areas: (i) Water, (ii) Waste & Energy or (iii) Biotechnology. Interdisciplinary considerations are essential to all subject areas. How can environmental pollution be reduced and valuable resources recovered at the same time? How does one measure the sustainability of a product or service? Which innovative technologies assure minimum energy use in production processes? Which environmental law constraints favour sustainable development? All these questions are relevant in the Environmental Engineering program.

Graduates of the Environmental Engineering program have a detailed understanding of key areas of environmental sciences. At the start of the Master’s program, all students take compulsory courses in environmental management, waste and wastewater treatment, fluid dynamics and hydrology, and environmental analytics. In the second semester, students can choose from a number of potential core areas. These include courses in geochemical engineering, technical microbiology and water and wastewater technology. From the third semester, students develop a specialisation in one of the areas mentioned above (Water, Waste and Energy, or Biotechnology). In addition to course-specific modules, students also take non-technical classes in subjects such as business economics or foreign languages.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Environmental Engineering"

Graduates of the International Master Program in Environmental Engineering are sought after in a broad range of different fields and have excellent prospects in terms of career development. Graduates may work, for example, for environmental authorities, water and wastewater companies, energy and waste management companies, engineering firms or in the biotechnology industry. Owing to the breadth and diversity of the course, Environmental Engineering graduates are able to quickly familiarise themselves with new information, which is highly beneficial when working in interdisciplinary teams, as will often be the case. Worldwide, the environmental technology sector is growing strongly. Inadequate environmental management can have a significantly negative impact on the economic development of a region or country. In light of the above, Environmental Engineering graduates are international in their outlook and employed around the world. In addition to preparing students for demanding careers in industry, the Master’s in Environmental Engineering also equips students with the necessary academic skills for pursuing their possible further specialisation at PhD level.

Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Environmental Engineering"

Environmental Engineering graduates should have certain core skills and knowledge. These are listed below in the following categories: knowledge, skills, social skills and independence. Knowledge:
  1. Graduates are able to describe the fundamentals of environmental management and outline environmental standards, environmental economic instruments, the content of ISO 14001 and environmental performance evaluation.
  2. They are able to explain the procedural fundamentals of important water and wastewater treatment techniques, biotechnological processes, biological waste treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) and relevant environmental chemicals and their analytical determination, particularly in water and wastewater analysis.
  3. They can discuss hydrological and fluid mechanical models and the technical boundary conditions for sustainable water protection.
  4. They are able to define the key principles of circular economy (water/waste) and outline the fundamentals of business economics.
  5. Depending on the specialisation they choose, graduates can demonstrate their broader understanding in the areas of water, waste and energy or biotechnology.
  1. Graduates are able to complete practical laboratory work in the area of municipal water engineering taking into consideration the procedure selection for water and wastewater treatment processes.
  2. They are able to conduct specialist scientific research and geographical data processing and apply hydrological models.
  3. They are able to argue and write scientifically.
  4. Graduates are able to produce incisive individual presentations and coordinated team presentations, as practised in classes involving problem-based learning (PBL).
  5. They are able to apply fundamental business economics methods.
  6. Depending on their chosen specialisation, they have further skills in the areas of water, energy and waste, or biotechnology. For example, they are able to design membrane separation processes, conduct modelling in water technology, select technical and regional planning solutions for tasks in a biorefinery or analyse and evaluate integrated waste management solutions.
Social skills:
  1. The degree program Environmental Engineering attracts students from all over the world. From the beginning of the course, students work in diverse teams, in which they are able to use their different skill sets and values productively when working on technical problems.
  2. On completion of their studies, students are able to develop technical proposals, comprehensively review results and, where relevant, confirm them through peer discussion.
  3. They can present technical solutions as a team.
  4. They can also give constructive feedback to fellow students and integrate feedback on their own performance appropriately into their own work.
  1. Graduates of the Environmental Engineering program are able to conduct independent research using scientific literature; read test reports; gain knowledge from these reports and transfer it to the project at hand.
  2. In consultation with teaching staff, they are able to evaluate their own learning in concrete terms and define subsequent steps for ongoing progress.
  3. They can independently define research and development tasks for theoretical and experimental investigation of environmental issues and plan and carry out projects in this regard.

Учебный план программы обучения "Environmental Engineering"

The Master’s program in Environmental Engineering is composed primarily of modules with six credit points (CPs). One CP equates to a student workload of 30 hours (classroom contact hours and study undertaken at home, including examination preparation). Master’s students must complete 120 CPs in four semesters over a two-year period. The modules are divided into: (i) core qualification, (ii) specialisation and (iii) thesis. For the core qualification, all students initially attend compulsory courses amounting to 42 CPs. These are primarily completed in the first and second semesters. Based on their individual interests, students take a further 18 CPs from a possible 30 CPs of elective courses. These modules are primarily completed in the second and third semesters. It is obligatory for students to take one business economics module and a module with non-technical courses (foreign language, art or cultural courses). Specialisation encompasses 12 CPs of obligatory courses (project work) and 18 CPs elective courses, to be selected from the study options in the specialisations Water, Waste and Energy, or Biotechnology. These modules are primarily completed in the third semester. In the fourth semester, students complete their thesis (30 CPs). This is preferably completed in the student’s specialisation, though this is not obligatory. The third or fourth semester is most suited to students wishing to spend time abroad or on an industry placement as project and thesis work can be completed independent of lecture periods and in direct agreement with the supervising Professor.
  • Учебный план / модули: https://studienplaene.tuhh.de/po/Bau/20180725_FSPO-IMPEE_en.pdf
  • Факультет

    Studiendekanat Bauwesen
    Technische Universität Hamburg

    Das Studiendekanat Bauwesen der Technischen Universität Hamburg greift die klassischen Aufgaben des Bauingenieurwesens genauso auf wie es sich auch den globalen und lokalen Herausforderungen der Gestaltung unserer Umwelt und Gesellschaft stellt. Als moderne Hochschuleinrichtung sieht das Dekanat aktuelle Aufgaben und Problemstellungen in besonderem Maße im Umwelt- und Klimaschutz und gibt Antworten auf die neuesten Fragen in Forschung und Lehre.

    Требования к поступающим на программу обучения "Environmental Engineering"

    A Bachelor's degree or equivalent, at a second-class (upper) level or higher, in an
    engineering, science or technology subject like e.g. Environmental Engineering, Civil
    Engineering and / or Chemical Engineering.
    - A minimum total of 18 credits (ECTS) earned in mathematics (including mechanics and /
    or statistics)
    - A minimum of 24 ECTS engineering related topics, especially water, waste or energy
    related engineering topics
    - A minimum of 6 ECTS in biology, ecology and / or other basics of natural sciences
    - A minimum of 6 ECTS in chemistry and / or bio-chemistry

    Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

    Environmental Engineering