Программа обучения International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering

Программа обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering" в Technische Universität Dresden

International Master's Program in Distributed Systems Engineering

The international master program is a two-year full-time program focusing on advanced topics in the area of distributed systems. There is a special emphasis on designing and building software system architectures including network, database, and secure systems.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 4 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 304.50 / семестр
  • Правила приема: Без конкурса
  • Минимальный уровень английского: B2

Описание программы обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

The objective of the master program is to provide an advanced training and prepare students for a future career in the very broad and rapidly developing field of distributed systems and their applications. This field is characterized by continuously emerging technological advancements and a highly active research community. Students need to be aware of both the fundamentals of distributed systems and their practical application in realistic scenarios. Therefore, the programs structure ensures that students first acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and expertise before they will get the opportunity to apply their skills in practice in the context of an internship, various practical courses and, if desired, even in their Master's thesis. Graduates will acquire advanced knowledge in the design of large software systems, distributed systems and middleware technology.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

Sie qualifizieren sich durch das DSE-Studium zum/zur Experte/Expertin für verteilte Anwendungen. Mit Ihren neuen Schlüsselqualifikationen sind Sie besonders gefragt in den Kernbereichen verteilter Systeme, nämlich der Konzeption, Entwicklung und Pflege, sowie der Bewertung und Umsetzung von Sicherheitskonzepten. Ihre Expertise kann abhängig vom Studienprofil von Internet-Diensten über Software-Fehlertoleranz bis hin zu Wireless Sensor Networks reichen. Sie können somit vielseitig eingesetzt werden, beispielsweise als Anwendungsentwickler, Sicherheitsberater, oder Konformitätsprüfer.

Международный обмен по программе обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

Lust auf ein Semester im Ausland? Auslandssemester, -praktika oder Sprachkurse – als Student/in profitieren Sie auf jeden Fall von einem Auslandsaufenthalt. Sie können Ihre Fach- und Sprachkenntnisse verbessern, Kontakte knüpfen, Freunde gewinnen, andere Kulturen kennenlernen und vieles mehr. Mehr Informationen gibt es auf den Seiten des Akademischen Auslandsamtes.

Учебный план программы обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

Modules and topics offered are:- systems engineering (a. foundations of design, development and usage of computer-based systems, b. non-functional aspects like reliability and availability),- ubiquitous information systems (a. middleware architectures and mobile communication systems, b. platforms for development of distributed systems, c. design and implementation of transactional information systems),- distributed and secure platforms (a. development of distributed and secure systems, b. design of secure architectures), and- system design and analysis (a. development of large software systems, b. resilient operating systems).
  • Учебный план / модули: https://tu-dresden.de/ing/informatik/sya/se/ressourcen/dateien/master/docs/DSE-Welcome_2017.pdf?lang=de
  • Факультет

    Fakultät Informatik
    Technische Universität Dresden

    Sechs Jahrzehnte Forschungs- und Lehrerfahrung und ihre internationale Ausrichtung prägen die größte Informatikausbildungsstätte Sachsens. Die Fakultät deckt das gesamte Spektrum der Informatik ab und bietet in zwölf Studiengängen eine forschungsorientierte und praxisnahe Ausbildung auf hohem Niveau. Ihre Forschung dient der Entwicklung neuer Technologien für die Zukunft: Das Internet der Dienste, Cloud Computing, Datensicherheit, BigData und Interactive Visual Computing stehen beispielhaft für zahlreiche Forschungsfelder, die der Lehre neue Impulse geben. »Silicon Saxony« führt zudem die Software-Forschung in eine neue Dimension.

    Требования к поступающим на программу обучения "International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering"

    The following prerequisites must be fulfilled by students applying for the Master’s Program in Computational Engineering at the TU Dresden (Dresden University of Technology): • A three or four year Bachelor‘s Degree in Computer Science or a comparable university-equivalent qualifi- cation. This degree needs to be completed by the time courses begin. • Language Certificate in English (for non-native spea- kers only) If English is not your native language, you need a certificate demonstrating your proficiency. The most widely recognized tests are: - IELTS: required level: 6.0 - TOEFL: required level: 550 points Equivalent certificates might also be considered. To obtain a student visa, it might be required to have passed the TOEFL or IELTS test. Please consult the web site of the local German embassy for visa details (or see http:// www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/en). • Submission of GRE general test and computer science subject score reports are strongly recom- mended (see www.gre.org). • Certificates indicating the achievement of „good“ (grade B) or „very good“ (grade A) in the following areas: - Operating Systems - Computer Networks and Distributed Systems - Database System Architecture and Design - Software Engineering - Mathematics and Electrical Engineering • Advanced programming skills in at least one higher programming language (e.g. Java, C, C++)

    Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

    International Master’s Program in Distributed Systems Engineering